Thursday, February 16, 2012

Common Core State Standards and Assessments: Talk by David Foster

Common Core Standards: Math
How the CCSS will impact teaching, learning and assessment in math?
David Foster (2-16-12)
Silicon Valley Math Initiative

June 2010 Common Core State Standards
CCSSE: verbs, the doing of mathematics (current standards consist of nouns - what)
1.     1. make sense of problems and persevere in solving math
2.     2. reason abstractly and quantitatively
3.     3. construct viable arguments and critique others
4.     4. model with mathematics
5.     5. use appropriate tools strategically
6.     6. attend to precision
7.     7. look for and make use of structure
8.     8. look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

Inside Mathematics Website (videos and resources grades 2-high school)

Mathematics Assessment Project
MARS team

Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative

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