

LEEP - Conceptualizing Talk Moves as Tools by Dr. Sarah Michaels

5-27-14 Board Talk

The Locker Problem

(High-Level Mathematical Tasks)
Problem of the Month can be found:

Number Talks/Math Talks can be a great way to engage students in mathematical discourse -- that allows their thinking to be made visible.  In order to get all students to want to participate, establishing and maintaining social norms that allow students to feel safe is critical.

"To create a classroom where students feel safe enough to challenge each other - and us - is to give them an enormous gift" - Alfie Kohn

Our class decided to use the classroom agreement we used in Ed405B:
Talk Moves
Some of the talk moves we started to use in our conversations include:
Elaborating (Adding on)
Revoicing - repeat an idea
Asking clarifying questions
Agreeing or disagreeing because...
Justifing and providing examples and counter examples

Spring 2013
Learning Objective: Continue to develop as mathematics teacher – thinking about and understanding mathematics curricular decisions and classroom practices to support student learning.
From http://www.insidemathematics.org/index.php/mathematical-practice-standards:

Week 3:

Week 4: 

Spring 2012
ED 491 Spring 2012 Syllabus
Lesson Plan Template: High Level Tasks