Friday, October 21, 2011


The TRIPOD Project
Talk given by: Ron Ferguson (senior lecturer in Educational and Public Policy at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Harvard Kennedy School) about the TRIPOD Student Survey Research at the PACT conference in USD.

7 Cs Predict  à  Student engagement (trust, safety, cooperation, ..)
Caring (encouragement and support)
Captivating (interesting and relevant)
Conferring (ideas are interesting)
Controlling (culture of cooperation and peer support)
Clarifying (success seems feasible)
Challenging (press for effort, perseverance, and rigor)
Consolidating (ideas get connected and integrated)

Which of the 7Cs is the strongest predictor of student outcome? (value added on scoring, ex middle school math)
-Caring and Captivating are the weakest predictors
-Controlling, Challenging,  and Clarifying are the strongest predictors

1) content knowledge,
2) pedagogical skills, and
3) relationship building skills

Key points:
-some classrooms are much more effective with the 7Cs than others
-help predict learning
-in one of the multiple measures of evaluating effective teaching

A composite 7C. (average) Takes mean across all 7Cs to evaluate teacher effectiveness.

244 elementary school classrooms: variations
Even Kindergarten student has an idea of what is effective or not in the 7Cs

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

PACT Implementation Conference

I will be attending the PACT Conference in San Diego.  Look forward to learning more about it.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Linked Learning

I'll be attending the CSULB linked learning event to learn more about how schools are implementing it in classrooms.  Looking forward to the site-visits.